Improve Lung Health During The Lung Cancer Awareness Month

 In lung cancer

Improve Lung Health

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Understanding why and how this disease occurs is a smart way to educate yourself and loved ones. Explore the details surrounding this disease and what you can do to prevent it. Lung exercises can help you improve lung health as you breathe deeply into your elder years.

Understanding Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the development of tumors and tissue mutations within your respiratory system. The disease’s progression is typically a slow one, notes Life Extension. It takes time for the cells’ DNA strands to mutate and replicate into cancerous tissues.

The majority of lung-cancer occurrences are caused by cigarette smoking or pollution. They can also develop into mesothelioma cancer if a person has been exposed to asbestos. This cancer is rare, but it does develop quite rapidly. The reason why many people deal with advanced stages of lung cancer is the subtle signs involved with its development. You may not know that there’s an issue until it’s grown in size.

Don’t Overlook Stretching

The best way to avoid any disease is by exercising. Rush University Medical Center suggests that stretching should be a priority in life. Your lungs are soft organs. They don’t make space for themselves in your chest cavity. The lobes simply conform to the space.

When you’re sitting down, try to stretch as you lean backwards. The seat should support you as the chest opens up wide. Try to stretch several times a day. The lungs can function on a much better level as a result.


Be a Deep Breather

On a daily basis, you probably use only half of your lungs’ capacities. Become a deep breather so that you can benefit on both physical and mental levels, suggests the Global Healing Center.

Stand up with your arms hanging loose. Close your eyes, and focus on filling your lungs with air. Consciously push the diaphragm down while allowing your floating ribs to expand. Your belly and chest should be rounded by now.

Slowly exhale the air. Continue with the deep breathing as a way to improve the respiratory system’s health.


Use Your Diaphragm

Most people don’t actively use their diaphragms when they breathe. Remember that this tissue divides your chest cavity from the lower body. Experiment with your diaphragm by feeling it move with each deep breath. It’s technically a muscle, which means that exercising it will improve your lung health.

Feel the diaphragm as it lowers during an inhalation. Concentrate on its movements so that you can be more aware of your breathing quality throughout the day.


Be Mindful of Air Quality

Another intelligent way to improve your lung health is by protecting your respiratory pathways. Wear masks when you need to work with items that produce fumes or airborne particles. There are masks that can block nearly any particulate.

Use filters in your HVAC system at home too. The outdoor conditions may have a lot of pollutants, but your home can be a haven for the lungs. Avoiding cigarettes, vaping and cigars are always good rules of thumb too.

Take care of your lungs by heading to the doctor’s office once every year. A simple exam and diligent observations on your part can make a difference in your overall health. Lung Cancer Awareness Month should be celebrated every day of the year as you gain more knowledge about this critical organ.


Expand a Lung can help you exercise your lungs as well in order to improve your lung capacity and can be used as part of the rehab once you have recovered from lung cancer.

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