A Resolution for Good Health: To Breathe Better

 In breathing exercises, COPD, health, lung exercises, meditation, oxygen and muscles, relaxation, sports conditioning

As we begin the new year many of us are resolving to eat better, work out more, lose weight, and a myriad of other health-related goals. However, very few people have resolved to breathe better. Breathing is essential to our health, and without it, we could not survive. So why is it so often overlooked? The benefits of breathing better are vastly overlooked.

Breathing better can improve your athletic performance

By strengthening your respiratory muscles you’re able to reduce shortness of breath during aerobic activity. Additionally, you may improve your stamina, as well as your endurance.

Breathing better helps reduce stress and anxiety

Studies have shown that deep breathing can help lower your resting heart rate, and relax the mind. Mindful breathing has been shown to reduce your levels of stress and anxiety and can often even help reduce levels of cholesterol.

Breathing properly can improve your overall health

Breathing is the only bodily function that is both voluntary and involuntary. As we age we pick up bad habits like poor posture that cause us to breathe from our chest as opposed to our diaphragm. This result in shorter, shallower breaths which transports lower volumes of oxygen to the brain, bloodstream, and muscles. Taking time to re-train the body to take deeper breaths from diaphragm allows us to intake a greater volume of oxygen which gives us more energy and ultimately translates to better overall health.


2019 is the year we should stop taking our breath for granted and start taking better care of our respiratory system. Avoiding pollutants, smoke, and even exercising our respiratory muscles on a regular basis to improve the way we breathe. Expand-A-Lung is a simple solution to training the diaphragm and intercostals helping us breathe better, increase lung capacity, and increase oxygen intake. Providing both inspiratory and expiratory resistance Expand-A-Lung acts as a fitness center for your respiratory muscles. The resistance also helps to elongate your inhales and exhales which helps to lower your heart and helps retrain your respiratory muscles to go back to breathing properly.

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