Breathing Techniques For Sleep

 In lung exercises

The best Breathing Techniques For Sleep: if you struggle to fall asleep trying some simple breathing meditations or techniques could be your ticket to snooze town. Some breathing techniques help to reduce anxiety and/or quiet the nervous system which could be the trick to nip the restlessness in the butt and get to sleep faster. The most popular breathing technique to get to sleep faster is the 4-7-8 technique.

Traditional meditation is another way to quiet the mind and help get a better night’s sleep. If you struggle to focus on the breath or declutter the mind during traditional meditation you may consider adding the use of Expand-A-Lung as the resistance it adds makes it necessary to focus on the breath and could help you get to that meditative state.

The 4-7-8 technique was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil. This method is based on the yogic breath “pranayama” which means regulated breath. Dr. Weil describes this technique as a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system”.

As the 4-7-8 technique calms, and relaxes the body it helps you get to sleep faster. To begin the 4-7-8 technique start seated with a long spine and press the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth against the teeth.

With your mouth closed inhale through your nose for 4 counts. Then hold your breath for 7 counts. Lastly exhale through your mouth and tongue for 8 counts. Repeat this pattern four times to complete the technique.

If an anxious mind is the key cause of your restless sleep a meditative approach may work best. This method has also been thoroughly researched and proven by neuroscientist Catherine Kerr. Kerr discovered that focusing on the breath is the first component necessary for a mindful meditation. While there are many positions where you can achieve mindful meditation seated is the most optimal position as it provides the perfect balance of focus, and relaxation.

To begin mindful meditation focus on the rise and fall of the breath and notice where the breath begins to move in the body. This simple action can help relieve tense muscles, and the physical change provides a release of negative and stressful thoughts. It is recommended to meditate for 8-10 minutes before attempting sleep.

The relief from stress and anxiety should quiet the mind and help you fall asleep if this is the cause of your restlessness. When staying tied to the breath is a challenge during meditation adding a breathing resistance exerciser like Expand-A-Lung could be incredibly helpful. The process of mindful meditation would be the same simple with the addition of the Expand-A-Lung.

For meditation it is recommended to use the device at lowest setting, or a low setting that is not very challenging but keeps you focused on the breath.

Using the Expand-A-Lung still focus on the rise and fall of the breath and notice where it begins to move in the body and continue the meditation for 8-10 minutes same as you would without the device.

Do not forget to remove the device from your mouth before going to bed, and do not attempt to use the device while laying down.

Chronic long term sleep disorders effect over 40 million people in the U.S. alone and while both over the counter and prescription sleep aids can be an effective treatment they can also cause dependency. Trying a more holistic approach like breathing techniques and meditation can be a safe and effective alternative.

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