7 Tips for Lung Cancer Prevention

 In lung cancer, lung exercises, quit smoking

Tips for Lung Cancer Prevention


While smoking is a major contributor to lung cancer, there is a number of things you can and should be doing to prevent lung cancer. Over 50% of people who develop lung cancer are not current smokers. Here are 7 tips for lung cancer prevention to lower your risk.


Avoid Smoking (And Get Screened When/if You Quit)

Smoking causes 80-90% of lung cancers, and quitting is still the number one thing you can do to reduce your risk.

It is never too late to quit smoking. Even for those who have already been diagnosed quitting can help improve survival rate.


Inspect your home for Radon

Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers.

Radon is an odorless gas caused by the decay of natural uranium in soil under homes. The only way to ensure your home is not at risk is to have it inspected for Radon.


Know That your home and workplace are free of harmful chemicals

Many cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that are hazardous to your health and may increase the risk factors for lung cancer. Read the labels and ensure that your home and workplace use products that are free from harsh chemicals. Also, be aware that wood smoke from fireplaces and wood burning stoves are harmful to your lung health and could increase your risk factors as well


Avoid Secondhand Smoke

Living with a smoker increases your chances of developing lung cancer by approximately 20%. It’s not a lot to ask your loved ones to smoke outside if they refuse to quit smoking altogether. In the United States over 3,000 cases of lung cancer per year are reported as a cause of second-hand smoke.


Exercise Promotes Prevention

Exercise has been proven to have to help lung cancer prevention. Even light exercise like a brisk 30-minute walk twice a week has been proven effective.


Include a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables in Your Diet

A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables has also been proven to reduce the risks of lung cancer. Recent studies have shown that including a variety of all types of fruits and vegetables as opposed to being heavy in one type has been even more effective.


Watch Your Alcohol Intake

While a low to moderate intake of wine has been associated with lowered risk, heavy use of beer and hard liquor can significantly increase your risk of developing lung cancer.

Lung Cancer is a serious and life-threatening disease. We should all be taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle, and be sure to eliminate all external factors that could contribute to increased risk factors.

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