Natural remedies for shortness of breath

 In lung exercises

Shortness of breath (dyspnea) is a condition that makes it challenging to get air into the lungs. The leading causes of dyspnea include but are not limited to: COPD, asthma, deconditioning, heart dysfunction, interstitial lung disease, and obesity. If your shortness of breath is not caused by a medical emergency there are many natural ways to alleviate the symptoms and even improve your breathing long term. Some methods are as simple as changing your position so that your breathing is more relaxed, while others include lifestyle changes. We’ll start with the simple ones.
Changing your body positioning or practicing breathing exercises can help you breathe easier. If you experience shortness of breath while you are seated you can lean forward so that your body is in a more relaxed position this should help you take calmer fuller breaths. You may also sit forward supported by a table and use this resting position to catch your breath. With this method you lean forward in your chair and rest your head chest and arms in a comfortable position on a table in front of you. Relax in this position until breathing becomes easier.

Standing with a supported back can also help you relax and this positioning with a long spine helps open the air ways. For this position you can use a wall for support. Try to press your chest and back into the wall so that your posture is straight. Relax and focus on your breath. You can even adjust your sleeping position so that breathing is less strained. Try laying on your back using pillows as support under your head/neck as well as under your knees. This position helps your body and your airways relax.
Breathing exercises have just as immediate effects as the changing of your position or alignment of your body however as the exercises both train and strengthen the muscles the benefits can have longer term effects. Pursed lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, or using a breathing resistance exerciser are all great options. To practice pursed lip breathing relax your neck and shoulders while breathing in through your nose for two counts and keep your mouth closed. Before you exhale purse your lips as if you were trying to whistle. Exhale slowly through your pursed lips for four counts.

For diaphragmatic breathing you should begin sitting comfortably in a chair with your spine long and your head, neck, and shoulders relaxed. Place one hand on your belly. Then, breathe in slowly through your nose and feel your belly expand while keeping your spine lengthened and your neck and shoulders relaxed. Exhale slowly while focusing on contracting your core muscles and feel your belly draw towards your long spine. In diaphragmatic breathing the emphasis is greater on the exhale as you are using it to strengthen your diaphragm which will have long term effects on improving shortness of breath. Our last option in this approach maybe the most efficient.

Expand-A-Lung for example is a breathing resistance exerciser that provides resistance on both the inhale and exhale. Since the resistance is variable you are able to add resistance as your respiratory muscles (your intercostal and your diaphragm) get stronger. When using the Expand-A-Lung the emphasis is both on the inhale as well as the exhale and you receive the benefits on both the inhale and exhale. Using this device could also have long term effects on improving the quality of your breathing and reducing shortness of breath.

Lastly, we turn to lifestyle changes. These typically involve a lot more commitment but the benefits are equally tremendous. It is important to identify the cause of your shortness of breath before you can determine which lifestyle changes would be most beneficial though some of these are beneficial for all.

The changes include:

  • Quitting smoking (applies to all)
  • Avoiding exposure to allergy, and air pollutants (particularly for asthmatics)
  • Losing weight (if you are obese or overweight)
  • Trying to avoid exertion when at high altitudes
  • Maintaining a healthy diet
  • Practicing cardiovascular exercises at least two times a week
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Consulting a doctor if you have underlying medical issues
  • Following any treatment plan provided by your doctor

Being able to breathe easier can greatly improve the quality of your life. So it’s nice to know that there are so many proactive ways you can improve your shortness of breath.

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