8 Lifestyle Changes To Lower Your Blood Pressure

 In blood pressure, health, reduce blood pressure


Blood Pressure

  1. Loose weight

Often blood pressure increases as we gain weight. Additionally, being overweight can lead to shortness of breath while sleeping which may cause sleep apnea as disorder that often raises your blood pressure. No matter how you slice it if you are even a few pounds overweight trimming your waist line may play a key role in lowering your blood pressure. Generally speaking men whose waists measure more than 40” and women whose waists measure more than 35” are at a greater risk of high blood pressure and other health related issues.


  1. Regular Exercise

Regular being a key word. You should ideally exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes at least 5 times per week. Not only can regular exercise help you reduce your blood pressure but it also may reduce your risk of developing hypertension. Anything from a brisk walk to interval training and everything in-between should do the trick. Adding strength training twice a week can also be beneficial.


  1. Change Your diet and decrease your sodium intake

Lowering your intake of foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure by up to 11 mm Hg. Try to maintain a balanced diet that is high in vegetables and whole grains. Additionally, lowering your sodium intake can be an easy change that makes a massive difference. Reducing your sodium intake can lower you blood pressure by 5-6 mm Hg. To lower your sodium intake try avoiding processed foods, and do not add salt to your meals. When cooking you can use flavorful spices that are low in sodium to avoid missing the added flavor from the salt. Also, be sure to read the nutrition labels when buying pre-packaged foods.


  1. Reduce your alcohol consumption

This one can be a bit tricky. When we consume one glass of wine or beer we may be able to lower our blood pressure by 4 mm Hg. However, when you increase alcohol consumption beyond this point it has the adverse effect. Drinking a few glasses of wine, or a few cocktails can not only increase your blood pressure but it also reduces the effectiveness of blood pressure medication.


  1. Quit Smoking

“Each cigarette you smoke increases your blood pressure for many minutes after you finish. Stopping smoking helps your blood pressure return to normal. Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your overall health. People who quit smoking may live longer than people who never quit smoking.”- www.mayoclinic.org


  1. Relax

Stress can result in elevated blood pressure. While we may not be able to eliminate stress from our lives we can actively take steps to relax so that it doesn’t affect us as much. Make time to do things you enjoy even 15 minutes a day can make difference. Practicing mindful mediation is also a great way to relieve stress. Additionally, the simple act of breathing can help us relax. Avoiding stress triggers is another great way to relax whenever possible. For example, if traffic is your trigger try leaving for work a little earlier or stick around for a fun activity post work to avoid traffic on the way home. Last but not least be gracious. Taking time be thankful for all the positive things we have in our lives can help us let go of stress.


  1. Monitor Your Blood Pressure

Keeping track of your blood pressure is essential when you have or are at risk of high blood pressure. It’s a great way to see the effects of the changes you are making towards a healthier life and can help you get back on track when indulgences let the blood pressure creep up. If you have high blood pressure you should not only monitor at home, but also schedule regular visits with physician. Ask your doctor how frequently you should arrange your visits to keep your blood pressure under control.

  1. Breathe

This goes hand in hand with relaxation. Breathing is a simple and effective tool to calm the nervous system and potential lower your blood pressure. Using a breathing resistance exerciser like Expand-A-Lung can be a helpful tool. The inspiratory and expiratory resistance causes you to slow down the pace of your inhales and exhales. This may lower your resting hear rate, and help you relax which is all great for lowering your blood pressure.


While high blood pressure can present potential medical risks, it is comforting to know that making healthy lifestyle changes can significantly decrease the risks.

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