Managing COVID-19: Power up your lungs with these breathing exercises

Deep Breathing
This lung-boosting exercise will increase the amount of oxygen in your body as you fully fill and stretch your lung sacs.
How to do it: You can do this exercise either standing up or sitting down. Place your hands on your waist and relax. Inhale deeply. Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale as much air as possible and empty your lungs. Practice deep breathing by doing 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions throughout the day.
Breathing Through Your Diaphragm
You must make the diaphragm strong and efficient for overall respiratory health. Diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing will do just this.
How to do it: Lie down on your back and bend your knees. Place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Inhale deeply and allow your belly and lower rib cage to rise. Avoid any movement of your upper chest cavity. Exhale after about 5 seconds and allow your belly to deflate. Repeat 5 times.
Resistance Breathing
This increases your oxygen intake and decreases the amount of carbon dioxide in your body. It will also make your lungs strong and you will find it easier to fight shortness of breath if your get the COVID-19 infection.
How to do it: You can do this exercise either standing up or sitting down. Inhale through your nose for about 3 seconds. Purse your lips and exhale slowly through your lips. Exhalation must take twice as long as inhalation. Repeat 5 times.
Anuloma Viloma Pranayam
This will help you control your breathing. Regular practice will increase your immunity and boost lung power.
How to do it: Empty your lungs of all air. Close the right nostril with right thumb and breathe with the left nostril. Now use the ring finger of the same hand to close the left nostril and breathe out with the right nostril. Repeat 10 times.